Sunday, May 13, 2012

Soul Calibur 5's Custom Cock Creations

 For all those of you who are "gaymers", how many countless titles have you witnessed female characters with barely there, vag strangling leotards, massively exaggerated breasts barely held in by a spaghetti strap, and customizable options to make them the size of mutant watermelons with "bounce" effects all while their male counterparts pale in comparison? Well get a load of what you can do in Soul Calibur 5!... I may considering buying it(when the price drops significantly)

 Now I know the market is predominantly straight male adolescents so I know why all the TnA exists, and don't get me wrong, I'm all for busty ladies but I've always wished male "bulge" and butt mechanics were factored in more often. I'm not saying it has to be ridiculous, but if you're gonna put in DD's on the woman, don't completely ignore male anatomy and make all their crotches flat...Namco I'm talking to you!

If you're wondering how to create these check out the respective article links for the bulge and massive dong instructions! Enjoy pervs!!!


  1. Not a gamer, though I suddenly wish I were. :)

  2. These are cool! I wish games could have nudity like this and more. When will video games grow up?

    1. Isn't it! Sadly, male sexuality is still seen as taboo, even more so in markets where straight men SEEM to be the majority.

  3. But I think you hit on something, Lucky. You never know how this will turn out in the future. There might be a market.

  4. I high appreciate this post. It’s hard to find the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it! would you mind updating your blog with more information

  5. I agree that more attention should be paid to male character anatomy in video games.
