Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm A Finalist!!! (BPX T-Shirt Contest)

I'm happy to say that I've been announced as a finalist for the upcoming "Black Party" & Expo T-Shirt Design Contest! For all those that don't know the Black Party is a huge annual circuit party and expo here in NYC celebrating all that is queer & fetish oriented. Sounds like fun huh!

As for my shirt design this years the theme is "Japan Underground" I wanted to do something with ropes (which I may edit later for myself) but I went with using their logo as his tattoo to better brand the event. In retrospect, it reminds me a bit of Glen Hanson but he's one of my favorite illustrators so I was probably subconsciously inspired. Heres the design in progress below-kinda like it against white too but anyways, wish me luck!


 So here I am, the 1st post. I suppose I could give you a whole bit about who I am and what you'll expect to see here but that's what the "Profile" section is for...Okay I'll give you a little. I'm an illustrator & graphic designer currently based in New York City. For awhile now, my erotic work has been quite private but then I paused...Why the hell should I keep it private based on others insecurity? So I'm sharing! Hope you guys enjoy the work to come. Til the next post....